Thursday, July 6, 2017

Blue Stars Small Birds

I bought a pattern on Etsy from Sub Rosa and this pattern "13 Stars" was added at no charge.  I've decided to start of July by stitching this.

Here's a selection of July's birds.

Here's a young Evening Grosbeak.

She's rumpled looking...

and downy too.

Male Black-headed Grosbeak and male Evening Grosbeak.

Evening Grosbeaks

Black-headed Grosbeak (male)

Black-headed Grosbeak (female).

Cedar Waxwing

I had three Anna's in the backyard at the same time - captured two of them!

A small flock of Bushtits have been by for three days running.

They are such funny looking little birds - comical.

The light eye indicates this is a female.

Another rather comical bird - Red-breasted Nuthatch. 

I like how they approach life upside down.

A pair of Black-capped Chickadees.

It was a thrill to see a male Western Tanager the other morning.

Not a great photo, but I think you can see that he is a lovely bird.

I was also serenaded by a Bewick's Wren. 

A great way to start off the morning.

And it was nice to see my Raven couple cuddling.

It's rare that I get to see a Barn Swallow resting.
Hope you have the opportunity to sit back and take a rest today.


  1. Just fantastic Beth! Great shots!

  2. I am not an outdoorsy girl. But I love coming by your blog to see your nature posts. Amazing photography. Keep them coming.

  3. Great photos as always. I love seeing what you capture -- always learn about birds too!

  4. That's going to be a cute little piece. Look forward to seeing it! Love all the little birds. At first glance, I might mistake some of those Grosbeaks, their colorings are so similar, tho in different places! Your Bushtits are just the cutest... reminds of of our tiny little Blue-gray Gnatcatchers! I have yet to see the Red-breasted Nuthatch... on my Most Wanted spot right now. Maybe late this summer... Thanks for sharing, as always! Hugs!

  5. Always love looking at your bird pictures! Have never seen a cedar waxwing in person (even though they're supposed to live around here and also where we used to live). They look so ... perfectly smooth is the only way I can think to describe - they make me think of that person whose hair is always absolutely perfect.

  6. I love the new design. A great one for July. Wonderful photos of all the sweet birds!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.