Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A Wednesday Bird Walk

Last Wednesday my mom and I went out to Mt. Pisgah to take part in a bird walk along the base of Mt Pisgah. 

Right off we saw a Brown-headed Cowbird...

...and a House Wren in the oaks.

An active paper wasp nest.

Douglas Spiraea

An Osprey called loudly and posed nicely for us. 

A small channel of water was filled with aquatic plants. 

Many common birds including this Flicker.

Spent seeds

There were lots and lots of Cedar Waxwings. While many of the birds were hunting insects along the river, this individual was along the edge of a field.

A bird behind!  Not sure who this is.

There were Bullock's Oriels in the Cottonwoods. 

We watched a coyote, who watched us.

A young Red-tailed Hawk.

Dried grasses, a sign that August is not far away.


A young Hairy Woodpecker


A meadow flower of some sort.

Elderberry in bloom.

We had fun watching a couple of Kestrels. An aggressive hummingbird buzzed the much larger Kestrels trying to drive them off.

Bull Thistle.
With the thistle and teasle, I am surprised that we did not see American Goldfinches.

Mule's Ear in bloom. 

Oregon Grape - ripe and ready - the Cedar Waxwings will gobble this up.

Yes, you!

Young Douglas Fir cones.

Ocean Spray

A young buck in the meadow.

A final bird, a Western Wood Pewee, as we returned to our cars.  


  1. I hope you get this. I just want you to know how much I love reading your daily posts. You have the most beautiful birds in your area. Thank you for posting them - love your stitching, too.

    Lisa B.

  2. It looks like you and your mom had a wonderful day!! So many interesting birds and plants!

  3. Another great walk! Glad you can enjoy times like these with your Mom! So much to see any time you get out! Hugs!

  4. Also enjoy your bird pics was lucky this week to go down the Mississippi River on The LaCrosse Queen for a 3 hour brunch tour. Got to see so many Eagles plus a variety of other birds very enjoyable day with nature. Is your Mother going to share the finish of Pine Mountain Liberty both of you do beautiful cross stitch.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.