Monday, July 17, 2017

A New Start and New Fledglings

I've picked this Lizzie Kate design as my next July stitch.

Parvati and I have enjoyed watching the fledglings learn to navigate their big, open wild blue world. 

Last week the final Violet-green Swallow house occupants flew off.
Isn't this an adorably rumpled bird? 

The proud parent was close by watching over the baby.

Here's another view - Baby Bird

Adult - Job well done!

This guy was the very last one to leave his nest.

There are so many California Quail now.

This is my Big Group.

It has to be an amalgamate of several groups as I've counted over 50 babies! 

I don't know how the parents / foster parents even being to keep track.

They have their work cut out for them! 

I continue to see demanding Evening Grosbeak fledglings...

 and their indulgent parents.

This pair is comprised of a young and an adult female.

Like mother like daughter!


  1. So much fun watching those little ones spread their wings and fly.

  2. I have been enjoying your fledging pictures, Beth. Thank you for sharing!

  3. So beautiful! Thanks Beth. Love the kitteh pic too!😀

  4. I love how you are able to get all the family interaction photos of the babies being raised by their parents. The California quail are stunning birds! Enjoy your photos as always. Mary

  5. I love the little bird coming out of the house!! So cute!
    All the parent/baby photos are so cute!
    And of course, kitty is so sweet!!

  6. Hi Beth,
    I'm on a two month trip and have so much to catch up on now that I finally have a computer at this hotel. As always I am so enjoying your bird photos. They are always so wonderful and delightful. We are now in Colorado and I've been searching for birds we don't have in Florida. Your photos have been an inspiration to me. RJ@stitching friends forever

  7. Parvati is such a patient looking cat. We have quite the hunter next door. I hate to see him in our yard!!

  8. Very cute photos of fledglings! Love the rumpled Violet-green Swallow the best. That is a great color fabric for the LK project. Hugs!


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