Friday, July 14, 2017

10 Stars and More Birds

Progress continues on "13 Stars".  The border is complete and 10 of the 13 stars are stitched.

Here are some of the birds I've seen in the past couple of days.

A Turkey Vulture

The Violet-green Swallows are examining a 
'new' house. Does this mean a second brood?

A Song Sparrow checking out the nesting material.

A female Brown-headed Cowbird.

Here she is again.

A couple of Bushtits.

The thistle is in bloom and the American Goldfinches are feasting.

My Bewick's Wren made another appearance.

Last year I rarely saw or heard this bird...

...this summer I'm seeing him a couple times a week.

Thus far now big flocks of Cedar Waxwings...

...but one or two birds often pop by in the evening.

They have such fiercely frowny faces.

Here's the bit of red on the tips of the wings that give it the 'wax' name.

Day in and day out the sweet Black-capped Chickadees come flitting to the feeders.


  1. Good Morning Beth, More lovely bird photos, especially that great shot of the cedar waxwing and his colorful tips on his wings. Great progress on 13 stars! Mary&RJ

  2. Super progress on your stitching, Beth! Love the colors you are using. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Beautiful stitching, beautiful birds!

  4. Your pictures are amazing as always! I've just discovered (or maybe I already knew but forgot) that the pics are bigger in my blog reader. I love them!

  5. You really have some beautiful bird photos!! I really like 13 Stars!

  6. I bought my daughter in law one of those balls of nesting material. I thought it was so cute! I guess I really need one for myself!
    I just love those waxwings...their feathers look so smooth. So beautiful!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.