Friday, June 9, 2017

Thursday's Gift

I spent yesterday stitching bands of yellow and black.
The bee needs wings and then he'll be ready to fly...

Speaking of flying...I had a birding gift Thursday evening. 

A lovely female Bullock's Oriole came by.

I heard her first as she makes very usual clicking sounds.

She posed in a tree top for a bit... 

I wish she'd been in front of the branches...

Then she flew into a thicket...

...and finally out on a branch where I could see her. 

She even spent a moment on a bird feeder.  You can compare her size with that of the Evening Grosbeak. 

She has a ring of black dots atop her head.

I wish the colors had not washed out, but she was quite far away...

And when she wasn't, she was obscured by branches.
I do have an oriole nectar feeder set out.  Maybe she'll come back and find it.  


  1. Stitching is beautiful so nice to see🐝 Fabulous for you to have the female Oriole show up hopefully will be back.....

  2. Your little bee is going to be finished in no time. Lovely pictures! --Andrea

  3. I love bee stitches and this one will be very cute I can tell. The photos of the yellow oriole are amazing. I've never seen one that color before. You are so good at getting such lovely bird photos. Is there a trick so they don't fly away when you get near? RJ @stitching friends forever

  4. What a great new bird to see in your feeder area! Are the three dots on her head a normal thing? I have added Orchard Oriole to my repertoire this year... So many birds! Love it! Hugs!


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