Monday, June 26, 2017

Stitching Report / Bird Report

I count, I stitch.
I'm happy!
I should have this knocked off before week's end.

There are several 'common' birds that are infrequent visitors.

I include the Red-breasted Nuthatch as highly infrequent.

If I see or hear the bird it is most often in the winter.

So it was a pleasant surprise to hear "meep meep meep" and find the bird in a young pine tree in late June. 

He hopped around the tree... 

...and posed very nicely.

The great news is that a Red-breasted Nuthatch then came to my back feeders for several days running.

They will sometimes come and eat peanuts or suet.

They generally eat insects walking down trees, so are comfortable with poses such as this.

At the peanuts.

And posing again.


  1. I thought of you recently Beth when a new and unusual visitor came to our garden for the first time ever. It was a pair of siskins. They've returned a few times but you've got to be quick to see them as they don't stay still for long.

  2. Fantastic photos once again. I have that LKate stitch but have not started it yet. It looks so cute though. RJ@stitching friends forever

  3. Awesome new bird!! I had a Nuthatch first this past Sunday--a Brown-headed one!! I must post to my blog this weekend! It is exciting to see the Red-breasted one... Great pictures that I can study, because I am determined to spot one here this year--late summer, early fall. Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.