Friday, June 2, 2017

Bees and Birds

Design - Sadie Stuart "Summer Bee Sampler"
Designer - Sam Sarah Design Studio
Fabric - 28 count WDW Blue Jeans Gingham
Fibers - GAST Simply Shaker Colors - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 June 2012
Completed - 27 June 2012

The flowers were a bit of a challenge, but in looking at this stitch, I am still very pleased with it.

The Violet-green Swallows are nesting.

I do not often see them out and about.

I know this house is occupied... is this one.

May was a mostly hawk-free month which was fine with me...

With hawks elsewhere, the songbirds felt confident at the feeders and I got to see my Lesser Goldfinches.

The Evening Grosbeaks continue to hang around...

The Towhees are singing up a storm...

...and I think the Black-capped Chickadees are nesting.


  1. Love the bird pics as always. Great June header, and great stitching too!

  2. That sampler is wonderful Beth.

  3. What a pretty sampler. I love the checked linen, just right for the piece!

  4. Your Sam Sarah piece is awesome! First of all, stitching on the gingham... was it challenging? I haven't tried it yet. But those flowers... wow! Just about every bird is nesting! Surely do love the Violet-green Swallows, as their colors are beautiful to see! Send the Lesser Goldfinch this way, would you? :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.