Thursday, June 22, 2017

Bee Happy

Design - "Special Delivery - August 2014" (kit)
Designer - Pine Mountain Designs
Fabric - 32 count linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 14 June 2017
Completed - 20 June 2017

My second finish for the month!  I'm on a roll!

I'm not sure why this small bird caught my eye...

...but it did and upon closer examination I decided it was a Pine Siskin.
See the faint yellow bars on the wings? That with the sharp pointed beak, and the size of the bird made for the ID. 

I had large flocks of Pine Siskens during the winters of 2014-15 and 2015-16, but no birds this past winter. 

The bird was around most of Monday.

It looks rather rumpled like a fledgling.  
Most unusual to have a Pine Siskin this time of year, much less a single bird as they normally are in social flocks.

This time of year is challenging for novice bird watchers.
Often newly fledged birds don't much look like their adult parents.

Case in point this young Oregon Junco.
The bird looks nothing like an adult...

Here's the adult singing away.
Much more defined color.

The size and the long tail and the fact that the birds were hanging out together were the clues that both birds are Juncos.


  1. The bee postage stamp is so adorable! I love it. --Andrea

  2. WOW. What beautiful birds! Thanks so much for these pics.

  3. Love the little bee skep piece and as usual your bird pics and info are very interesting!

  4. I love your bee hive stamp stitch...adorable!!! And it is always so interesting and informative to hear about all the lovely birds you get to see. RJ @stitching friends forever

  5. You might want to adjust the YEAR of the finished Bee piece to 2017... :) Very cute! A Pine Siskin visited... pretty cool! And it does sort of look rumpled like a fledgling... hmmm... wouldn't that be interesting?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.