Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Windy Wednesday Walk

It's a bit cool and windy, but the sun is shining...

The oaks have leafed out.

The Bog Creek is still full...

...and flowing fast.

Thalictrum in bloom.

Bracken Fern

Native Bleeding Heart.

My eagle-eyed sister spotted this cloud of pink up on the bank in front of the house.

I walked up to take a closer look...

...and discovered that it was a Hawthrone.

But instead of the usual white or fuchsia pink blossoms... has white centers with pink edges.

A sport of some sport - I wonder if a hyberdizer might be interested in propogating it. 

Cool weather have prolonged Iris Season much to my deight.


  1. I always enjoy your walks. The Hawthorne is beautiful!!

  2. Gorgeous pink Spring post!! Lovely!

  3. What a lovely walk you had, seeing all those lovely colorful plants! You discovered a NEW plant color! Very cool! I have seen a lot of purple Pickelweed in many of the spots I go birding. It's so pretty... especially when surrounded by waterlilies!


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