Friday, May 26, 2017

Early Morning Birds

Design - "Roster with a Quilted Tail"
Chart - "Roxie and Rooster"
Designer - Meme's Quilts
Fabric - 32 count R & R 18th Century Brown linen
Fibers - DMC- 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 August 2012
Completed - 20 August 2012

Though this is a small piece, it is dense with 14 different colors and serious back-stitching!

Chickens are early morning birds...
Let's see what else is going on as the sun rises over the hills.

Wednesday morning I was greeted with the "Quick! Three beers!" call of an Olive-sided Flycatcher.  While I never saw the bird, I was happy to hear him.  That call is one of the signatures of summer here, and something that I missed hearing last year.

The Evening Grosbeaks are early morning birds.

The Violet-green Swallows also get off to an early start.

A small group of Cedar Waxwings gather in the morning before flying off for the day.

I heard and then found a couple of male Purple Martins - they visit but have not nested in the area in several years.

Such pretty glossy, purple birds.  I have houses that are still open for occupancy if you are interested.

Steller's Jays begin squawking bright and early - thirsty business. 

The Hammond's Flycatcher came back for a second visit.

I was able to get several nice photos this time.

Perhaps he will nest nearby.


  1. Good Morning Beth, another lovely bird post to greet me this morning. A lovely assortment of birds come to your feeders. I hope you get a renter for your unoccupied homes! Sweet little rooster stitch. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever

  2. Love your stitching piece
    So beautiful
    Big hugs x

  3. It's gotten too hot here for the little birdies so we don't hear them in the morning like we used to. But I'm able to still do some birdwatching once the sun starts to set. Love the Steller Jays ... was able to see one close up while hiking in Colorado. Such a vibrant color.

  4. I didn't know there were such birds as Purple Martens. So pretty color-wise!

  5. Oh, that Rooster is so cute!! Nicely done! I always awaken to the sounds of the early birds, around 5:30 now. But I can usually go back to sleep for a bit afterwards! You have some great, rare bird finds... The Olive-sided Flycatcher and also the Hammond's! Wow! I 'heard' Willow Flycatchers, but didn't get any shots. (Oh, and I was mistaken... saw Barn Swallows the other day, not Tree. Sigh...) Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.