Saturday, May 6, 2017

April's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #2

Another month is over, time to review the trail camera photos.
I am starting with the camera at the edge of our backyard.

Steller's Jays

California Quail

Bunny and quail.

Hopping mad?

On alert.


Hippity hop.

Bunny and quail.

Bunny bottom.


And on to the deer...

Tongue stuck out.

What's thaat you see?

Close up.

The bandit - raccoon.

Wonder what he's after...

Several appearance by a Bob-cat this month. 

A good sized animal.


Fairly early in the evening, just after I've pick up the bird feeders.

Same night - same animal, or a different one?

And in the afternoon!

Here's a close-up - stalking something...

I posted about the bear who came the night before Easter..

So I started taking in all my bird feeders each evening.

Good thing too, as the bear came back the very next night. 

Bear close up.

The night of the 30th we had company and I gave thought to leaving the feeders up.  But I went out at 9:30pm and took them down.

Good thing I did not let up.


  1. Great trail camera photos ....yes the Bears are very persistent!! Last year I couldn't feed at all because They came during the day as well the only feeder I could have up were hummingbird that were on the house Windows up to high for them to far this year all is good😁

  2. Great camera shots! Love seeing your visitors unaware.

  3. It's amazing all the wildlife you get! Bobcats and bears. Oh my!

  4. You are inspiring me to get one of these cameras - it's going on my Christmas list!

  5. Wonderful shots! I would not like to meet that bobcat on a trail!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.