Wednesday, April 12, 2017

We Walked

I'm late with this post.  Life got in the way.

It's been cold and wet, but if you're up to dodging raindrops, there's lots to see. Isn't the new growth of the vine maple pretty?

Trilliums!  They only bloom for about a month - gotta' enjoy them while they last. 

Here's a pretty pink one for Vickie!

The native tiger lilies are growing strong and true.

The creeks are full and fast.

So many shades of green. 

More green. 

Osier dogwood.

Sweet little wood violet.

Our straggly feral apple tree survived the winter to bloom once agani.

The native dogwood has set blooms - they'll turn white when they mature.

Wild strawberries.

I'll have to check back to see what this is.

Native current.

Oregon grape.

The big leaf maples are in full bloom.  We had a strong wind storm and that knocked down lots of the blossoms.

Grand hound's tongue. 

Soon the Iris tenax will turn the meadows purple.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.