Monday, April 17, 2017

The Monday After Easter

Design - "Hare's Another Rabbit!" (freebie)
Designer - Mosey 'n Me
Fabric - 32 count Flax linen
Fibers - DMC & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started  - 6 April 2014
Completed  16 April 2014

I changed up the border to make it more spring-like and Easterish.

Here's a look at some mid-April birds. 

Three Canada Geese flying overhead.

A mature Robin.

A young Robin.

Male House Finch

Two male Evening Grosbeaks! 

It's hard to top this bird's bold colors.

It's even handsome from the back. 

The female is quieter in coloring...

...but still has that strong large beak.

Pair of Steller's Jays.

One of my many California Quail couples.

Spring is in the air!


  1. Fantastic! Love the grosbeaks!😀

  2. awwww the wee robin looks a bit bedraggled .... you have got some fantastic shots of your bird family's ... spring is definitely in the air isn't it :) love mouse xxxxx

  3. We walked by two Canadian Geese this morning that were almost close enough to touch. No camera,of course!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.