Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday Hummers

Though it's been rainy, I managed a few more photos this week.

Gotta' love the male Rufous Hummingbirds.

They 'own' the trees and brush that line the backyard.

They watch over the feeders too.

I'm just glad the light was 'right' to show off their copper colors.

A male Rufous and female Anna's.

Here's the only photo I managed of a female Rufous.

And only one of a male Anna's.

There are also a couple of female Anna's.

They are the easiest to photograph as they are the calmest.

And they like to bath in my small fountain.


  1. Just delightful on a Sunday morning ☀️ Love the hummingbirds❤️, enjoy the rest of your day..blessings

  2. I had no idea just how many different types of hummingbirds there are in the world until I began reading your blog, Beth! Always a delight to see these little cuties :)

  3. What beautiful hummer pics. My hummers 'stake their claim' too. I don't believe we've got rufous hummers here in the coastal region of SoCal, but we do have plenty of Anna hummers.

  4. What beautiful photo's of my favorite creatures!

  5. Such beautiful photos of such pretty birds. Thanks for showing us.
    RJ from stitching friends forever 2


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