Friday, April 21, 2017

Flicker Friday

Design - "Little Eggs" (kit)
Designer - Shepherd's Bush
Fabric - unknown 32 count linen
Fibers - unknown silks - 1 strand over 2 threads
Satin stitch - 2 strands
Started - 16 April 2014
Completed - 28 April 2014

The Northern Flickers are pairing up.

I wonder how many couples are in the area.

They are interesting woodpeckers as they forage on the ground.

The interact with the quail without issues.

A male with bright red mustache.

A pair at the feeders.

 Suet time!

Here's a female.

I'd never have named this bird a Red-shafted Northern Flicker.  Orange, right?!

The metal gutter makes a great musical instrument.

Get ready!

And drum!


  1. beautiful finish and i always love the birds x

  2. Flickers are my favorite! So lovely to see beautiful photos of them!
    I'm glad they're finding mates!!!

  3. Beth - thank you for your wonderful close-ups of these beautiful creatures!

  4. Once again you made my day with your beautiful pics!

  5. Those flickers are such beautiful birds!

  6. I really enjoyed your flicker photos, and your stitching is really lovely.

  7. Your flickers and your finish are both lovely :)

  8. I love Shepherd Bush stitches and yours came out perfect. Love your bird photos too! RJ from stitchingfriendsforever2


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.