Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Walk Around the House

No oomph today, so let's just walk around the house to see what we might see.

I haven't been paying attention - look the elderberry is leafing out!

And in our new lawn, lots of wild mustard is blooming.

'Jetfire' Daffodils

Primrose - 'Hose in Hose'


 Primrose - 'Hose in Hose'

A nice trifecta - hellebore, dicentra, and trillium.

Close up of the Bleeding Heart (dicentra)

Well named Trillium 'Volcano'

A trio of podophyllums look other-worldly as they erupt up from the earth.

A frilly primrose


A hybrid trout lily (erythronium). 

A couple of natives - super excited as they are inside the deer fence and should do well this year. A tiger lily amidst a field of bleeding hearts.  

Bleeding Heart

I wish you could smell this Daphne!

Daffodil 'Snipe'

I'm hoping that when this current is in full bloom, I'll be able to take photos of all the hummingbirds fighting over this plant.

Hope you enjoyed today's abbreviated walk.


  1. I think its nice to go for a wander to see what you can find.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Wow! Just them all thanks so much for sharing will be another month at least before I see anything like that growing in my gardens..blessings

  3. In the Spring there are all sorts of buds poking their heads out to check the weather!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. WOW! Simply gorgeous! Thanks Beth!


  5. It must be so nice to have spring! It is freezing here in Massachusetts. Thanks for sharing such lovely photos.

  6. What a delightful walk! The trout lily looks a bit like a butterfly wing.

  7. Your walk may have been short on distance, but was certainly long on beauty! Enjoyed seeing all your flowers and plants.


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