Thursday, March 9, 2017

Signs of Spring

Design - "Awakening" (freebie)
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 28 count mystery fabric
Floss - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 7 March 2014
Completed - 8 March 2014

Our snowdrops are blooming and high overhead...

...most mornings I am now seeing a skein or two of geese flying north in a business-like fashion. 

Yesterday morning was rainy and foggy, 

...the geese were dark blurs in the sky. 

But as they 'talk' to one another, I can usually find them as they cross the sky.

The adorable guy was waiting for me to put out sunflower seeds.

He did not appear to be nervous.  

Rather, just patiently awaiting breakfast to appear.


  1. Cute bunny. We have so many here, but they never sit long enough for me to get a photo. The geese have been overhead most days here too. We drove to town yesterday and saw a field full of geese that had stopped for a rest.

  2. Madeleine and I enjoyed your bunny. He made our morning! :D

  3. Oh, that is just the cutest bunny--I love the way he has his head cocked as if to say "please, please, feed me!" :)

  4. Such a sweet bunny!!!! How nice that he will not run away from you!
    I always love seeing geese flying in a V. This morning I was driving up to a traffic light and one lone goose was on my left, flying very low toward my car. He flew very closely over it and on the other side is a large house with a pond in front of it. There were several geese there and apparently this lone goose didn't like one of them. He swooped down and chased another one, with his neck stuck out long and honking the entire time! It was so funny to watch. I know they are very territorial. Nature is wonderful!

  5. Sweet bunny! Love it



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