Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March News

I've picked out my next project. It's nice when I have the fabric and fibers in my stash.

I watched a couple of Red-tailed Hawks flying and courting the other day. 

I did not manage to get a good photo, but you can clearly see the rust red tail that gives them their name.

Cute as a chickadee.  Is that a thing? 

It should be!

I thought I'd share my latest birding obsession.  I've been watching the Oklahoma City Great Horned Owls. This is the fifth year that they've nested in a planter on a balcony in suburban Oklahoma City.  The original pair was named Mr. and Mrs. Tiger.  Sadly, last summer someone shot and killed Mrs. Tiger. Mr. Tiger found a new mate (Altera) and she decided to nest in the same place.  She laid to eggs which were not viable.  She then laid two more eggs, and two days ago the first one hatched.  The action is pretty much 24/7 and you can watch HERE.  I find it fascinating - Altera coos and clucks to her owlet, Mr Tiger flies in with food for Altera and the baby.  I am eagerly awaiting the 2nd hatching.


  1. We have many Red-tailed Hawks right by us here. Love to watch them. I had to read about the owls twice. I could not believe it was shot. Very disturbing.

  2. Cute project...just spent too much time again watching the owls...love them❤️❤️Thanks again for sharing link...

  3. That's a cute design. I will check out the owls!

  4. What exactly is the purpose of shooting an owl? They certainly don't bother anyone. Seems rather senseless.

  5. Glad to see your stitching mojo is returning, Beth--that is such a cute project.

    Just went to look at the owls, but it was all black. Will try again later :)


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