Monday, March 13, 2017

Earliest Flowers

Chart - "A Year of Flowers" 
Design - "March"
Designer - The Drawn Thread"
Fabric - 30 count R & R Irish Creme linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 25 March 2014
Completed - 25 March 2014

What is blooming in mid-March?  Quite a bit.

In fact the Iris reliculata are almost done.

The Bleeding Heart is coming up strong and true. 

Trillium "Volcano". Can't wait to see this 'uncaged' for the first time as it safely behind the deer fence. 



Hellebore close-up

Another one

More daffs

Flowering current is budded up.  This will be a hummingbird magnet in a couple of weeks.   


 Daffodil Tete-a-tete


My sister planted spinach (Seed) three weeks ago.  Last weekend she planted lettuce (seed) and set out these sweetpeas. 


  1. Beautiful! Soooo jealous! We have NO flowers and 13+ inches of snow. :(

  2. Lovely flowers! I can't get over how thick and strong your bleeding heart shoots look. Must check mine ... when the snow melts.

  3. I love your stitched flowers and the real ones are so beautiful! I hope the little bit of snow and cold weather we've had hasn't killed all our blooming flowers and trees. I'm ready for spring and you definitely are!

  4. Oh, such a pretty sight your spring flowers are! I am more than ready to see something bright and cheerful emerge from the ground!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.