Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday Hummers

This female continues to hang out in the backyard often perch on the same patch of blackberry vines. 

I haven't seen any signs of nest building, but I remain hopeful.

I had two males, but sadly lost one last week.
He was perched on the feeder in the morning when I came outside. Appeared to be in torpor with his bill uplifted and no movement other than breathing. He never came out of the state.  I was bummed for several days afterward wondering if I could have / should have done more.
Thankfully, there is still one male in the area. 

And at least two females.  In a couple of months the Rufous Hummers will return and I'll have lots of humming activity.


  1. So sorry to hear you lost a male hummingbird....blessings that the others are still coming😍 Spring isn't too will be yet here in northern MN, but it has been a very mild winter! Have a lovely week....

  2. How sad to lose a sweet little hummingbird...I don't know what you can really do for a wild bird, but it's still sad.

  3. What great little birds! I love hummers. Shame about the male.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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