Thursday, February 2, 2017

February's Blog Header

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumblers February 2017 Blog Header

Row #1: Heart in Hand, "For Keeps"; Heart in Hand, "2011 Colector's Heart"; Heart in Hand, "Love".

Row #2: Heart in Hand, "2012 Collector's Heart".

Row #3: Heart in Hand, "Pink Heart"; A Needle and Fred, "Heart Squares"

Looks like this month's blog header is brought to you by Heart in Hand!

Yes, we still have Christmas decorations up.  I hope to get mine put away by the end of the week. Parvati had to supervise putting away the bird ornaments. With her help maybe pick up will go faster.

February is the month of love right?  These photos are guaranteed to make your heart glad. 

A darling bunny.

And here come the quail too.

A Peaceable Kingdom.

More on the way.

Maybe feeling a bit overwhelmed here.

A contented trio. Quail, Golden-crowned Sparrow, and bunny.


  1. Just caught up with your posts. Such a shame about the cut back on the creek. Here you are responsible for clearing the lines that cross your property. Big fines if there is a blackout caused by tree fall on your property. Meanwhile, lovely critters, always. You have the best luck with getting wonderful photos.

  2. Well you know that I L♥VE your header this month!! 🐩
    Such sweet, little pictures.

  3. Such sweet hearts!
    I wish I could get some help around here from my two to put away Christmas. Did you put them away too soon? She doesn't look happy to see them go!
    I love the trio picture, so precious.

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pics! Aren't kittahs the BEST supervisors? It's their calling !

    San Pedro CA

  5. I love the look on Parvati's little face, surrounded by all those birds - I can't decide if it's good or bad:-)

  6. Very appropriate header! Love the peaceable kingdom in your yard!

  7. Wonderful pictures! I only wish people could be more like nature's creatures!! What a "Lovely " header!

  8. Lovely header this month and the nature pictures are beautiful

  9. Your header is wonderful!
    I love, love the bunny and quail! They get along. We could take a lesson from them......
    I finally got my decorations put away last week. You had good help from your kitty. I paid a choir member's daughter to come and help me wrap and box up the ornaments on the biggest tree. She is raising money to pay part of her summer camp expenses. If I was honest, I could find enough for her to do around here so that I would be the one paying her camp expenses!!! ha Then my brother drove 1.5 hours each way to come and box up the trees. Maybe I'm a little overboard? Nah!
    Those bird ornaments are lovely! The colors are beautiful!

  10. What a sweet header, Beth--I am not a pink person, but I do love Valentine's Day stitching :)

    Oh, and that photo of the bunny and all of his quail buddies is priceless--what a great shot you got there!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.