Friday, January 13, 2017

We've Still Got Snow

Chart - "Flakes"
Design - "Little Flake"
Designer - Val's Stitchin' Stuff
Fabric - R & R 18th Century Brown
Fibers - Caron Wildflowers
Started - 29 December 2010
Completed - 31 December 2010 

Looks like I whipped this one out in just a couple of days...back when I had my stitching mojo...I'm trying! Truly I'm trying!

I seem to fall into a post-holiday funk in January and I think the weather has been distracting.

Here are a few more photos from our last snow / ice storm.

I was pleased to see a couple of Robins - this kind of weather makes it tough for them to find food. 

The Chestnut-backed Chickadees seem to thrive in the cold weather.

I had several of them in the backyard.

This one found a spot of cover from the storm.

They seem to like nuts... 

...look at my peanut feeder - wiped out! 

I'll fill it up again.

While the ice is gone, we still have snow on the ground.

At least the quail aren't slipping and sliding any longer.  They were unable to gain traction on the ice and looked like a scene from "America's Funniest Videos" as they slid and tumbled and skated to the feeders. Poor birds.


  1. I would of loved to have watched the Quail skate--
    they are one of my favorite birds cause years ago when I lived here in Florida one of the houses I rented one summer there was a momma quail and she had 5-6 babies and every day she would parade the babies around in my back yard==I just loved watching them!!
    I do not like ice--except seeing the icicles--they are fun to watch grow--as long as I can be inside--do miss watching that now living back in Fl--
    enjoy the moments, di

  2. Reading about the Quail sliding around made me chuckle! Yesterday and today were warm here... hard to believe we had a Blizzard a week ago!! Very hard! Love seeing the Chestnut-backed Chickadees... very special! I know about mojo! It will come back... meanwhile, you enjoy the birds! I had a RARE bird sighting today... I will blog about it tomorrow afternoon. So excited! I reported it on ebird... Do you use that? Can you do reports retroactively... do you know? Okay--I'm off to relax a bit... Hugs!

  3. Hee - now I'm thinking an ice skating quail ought to be your next stitch. Poor little robin on that icy branch ... though when we lived in Northern Virginia they braved the cold we had and never seemed to go south - first robin sightings were often in January.

  4. Seeing that ice is very disturbing! It must have made normal life difficult if not impossible. I have enjoyed seeing all your stitched snowmen!

  5. That ice/snow combo is no fun. Scares me silly! Poor birds, sliding around too.

  6. Ice is tough. The fluffy quail are doing ok, though!
    The birds are hanging in there, thanks to the help you're giving them!


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