Friday, January 27, 2017

Missing A Nose...If Found...

Design - "Mr Snow"
Designer - The Knotted Tree
Fabric - 32 count raw linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 November 2005
Completed - 5 December 2005

Here's another older stitch that I don't think I've ever featured.  Looking at it now it is apparent to me that the poor snowman has lost his nose.  If you find it, please let me know!

I am seeing more hawks more often. Both Cooper's Hawks and Sharp-shinned Hawks.  My flock of Bushtits came by Tuesday afternoon and while at the feeders a Sharpie darted in fast as lightening!  I loudly clapped by hands and the hawk darted off.  I think all the Bushtits made it away safely. 

Sharpies like small song birds like the Bushtits and the House Finches... 

...and the Juncos.

The Cooper's Hawks prey on larger birds like Starlings...

...and California Scrub Jays.  The jays are generally pretty good about sounding the alarm if they see a hawk in the area.  Bottom line though, everyone has to eat!


  1. It feels like a wildlife show in your backyard sometimes. I always root for the underdog.

  2. Oh Beth, your snowman is a cutie. We have had a few red-tailed hawks around the last week or so. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I bet that snowman will find his nose soon!! He is cute!!
    My girl friend in NY said that she has a hawk there too that watches her bird feeders--and the other day she wasn't fast enough to get outside and he got a small woodpecker--she was soo made--kept saying why didn't he take one of the starlings--she has way too many of those too!!
    Enjoy the moments-di

  4. My neighbor always said "they need to eat too". Love seeing your birds. Not sure why, but I've not had many birds at my feeders this winter. P.S. My dog ate your snowman's carrot nose, lol

  5. I remember when the Cooper's stalked my feeders! Didn't take any, that I know of! But I certainly have plenty of Starlings to feed it! LOVE Mr. Snow, even without a nose! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.