Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A New Bird

Design - "Snow Gazer" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Clay Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 December 2010
Completed - 24 December 2010 

I certainly have been gazing out on snow for the past several days.  A very different kind of winter than we normally have in western Oregon.

On Friday (between storms) I ventured outside for a walk.
As I strode past this fallen tree, I realized that I could hear a couple of birds. 

So I decided to take my chances and venture closer.

And here was my reward!  A tiny Pacific Wren (3") working in the mosses looking for insects.

A tough little bird to photograph.

Here's a close-up - see the stripes on the wings?

Pacific Wrens like the understory of old growth evergreen forests.

The Wrens forage and build nests near fallen logs, upturned tree roots, dead trees, and thick understory cover of mosses and ferns, often near water. 

This downed tree is quite near our Big Creek at the edge of the thicket that lines the creek - perfect wren habitat. 

Something about that tiny little foot delights my heart! The Pacific Wren has a song much larger than themselves. One researcher deemed them a “pinnacle of song complexity.” This tinkling, bubbly songster builds several nests in advance and then shows them off to a perspective female who chose the one she like best!


  1. Such a wee thing! Great that you got photos.

  2. So tiny and cute! I'm enjoying your snowy bird photos, and your archive of snowy stitching!

  3. So beautiful. Great photography job!

    San Pedro, CA

  4. Love this post! Thanks for sharing your photography and knowledge!

  5. Like you, I love that little foot! We always had wrens nest in the grapevine wreaths along the back fence. I loved spying them; though some think them drab, I loved them. Another little miracle of life. We seem to be on a similar weather pattern as you...snowing and thawing with freezing which is so dangerous and lots of collisions in the commutes. Makes me happy to be able to stay home when it's like this.

  6. I, too, love that sweet little foot! Your photos are amazing. I'm probably glad I don't have to deal with your weather! It's so beautiful to look at, though! Around here, when one flake falls everyone goes wild and there's no milk or bread anywhere to be found! We had sleet last week and you would have thought our world was ending! haha

  7. I love wrens - we have one that visits our garden from time to time and I stand transfixed when it appears.

  8. How exciting to find a new bird! He blends in with the moss so well that he was difficult to find even with the picture blown up. Pretty guy.

  9. Oh he is adorable!
    I have wrens in my garden, but I think they are probably a different bird

  10. Adorable new bird! At least you got some shots of it! During our blizzard, I had one to two Carolina wrens on the suet feeder. I shall work on posting today. We have warmer temps today, so it is melting and life is resuming once again. Yay! Stay safe!

  11. I'm sure it must thrill you to spot a new bird after all you have seen in your lifetime, Beth. He sure is a cutie--amazing how well he blends in with the moss and trees...


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