Saturday, December 3, 2016

November's Trail Camera #1 Photos

Are you excited to see last month's trail camera photos?

Padma certainly was.

He jumped up on the desk and spent several minutes sniffing the camera.
What might he have smelled?

We did have some deer action...

...including this handsome buck.

Several deer strolled by during the month.

This in many ways is the BIGGEST surprise.

A black bear still out and about at 8:30pm on November 28th.
I guess I'll continue picking up my bird feeders before the sunsets.

This is the best series of the month. 

The bob-cat came by on November 19th at 12:00pm.

Perhaps it was a bit late for a luncheon date.

Places to go, people to see, things to eat!


  1. The trail camera pictures are my favourite time of the month! Padma is probably smelling all the critters!

  2. So much fun to see your trail camera pictures but this time my jaw is in my lap - a bobcat *and* a bear! Never thought to ask - do you live way out away from things?

  3. A bear??? Yup--get those feeders in before sunset! Day before yesterday, went out to Back Bay looking for Northern Gannets in particular... Met some familiar faces. Left around noon. But apparently when we went one way, down to the beach, away from the trails up by the office... a Bobcat strolled right onto the path we had just been on!! Surprised a few birders! I probably would have not been able to scream, but would have tried!! Hugs!

  4. What fabulous trail camera pictures! The black bear is gorgeous in a black bear sort of way. With our weird weather, they are still fattening up around here. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  5. I always enjoy your trail cam pictures!
    That bear looks rather large. I might be a little bit scared of him!!!
    The bobcat is pretty!

  6. Wow, so exciting to see the animals! The bobcat is such a beautiful animal.


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