Thursday, December 29, 2016

Looking Back

Design - "Christmas is Coming"
Design - "The Goose is Getting Fat"
Chart - "Bordering on a Towel"
Designer - Alma Lynn
Fabric - Aida Hot Pads
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 1987?
Completed - 1987?

I stitched these hotpads decades ago as a Christmas present for my paternal grandmother. They returned to my possession after my grandmother passed.  I like to display them for the holidays as they remind me of her.

What's up with the birds you ask?

My male Acorn Woodpecker has been out and about.

As have a couple of Flickers including this male. 

But the best woodpecker sighting of late, is a Red-breasted Sapsucker.

He's been working in the trees close by for the past week or so. 

I finally had the opportunity to get a good photo or two.

I do love that bright red head.

And it's pretty clear why he's named 'Red-breasted'.

I hope he becomes a winter semi-regular!


  1. Fantastic pictures of the sapsucker - what a gorgeous bird!

  2. That red-breasted sapsucker is such a pretty bird. It's nice that you have those pot holders. I have a stitched piece that I did for my step-mom. I got it last year when she passed on. So I know just how you feel.

  3. The hotpads are precious Beth.♥

  4. Oh, that sapsucker is another beauty, Beth! I haven't seen our Flicker since that day I showed him on my blog :(

  5. As opposed to a Red-bellied woodpecker... different part of the chest is red! Pretty cool pictures! Pretty great visitor! I think my daughter has some of my older work...90's, and I have a piece my younger sister stitched for me, when I became a grandma for the 1st time in 1995. Saw just two birds today... We are prepping for a 'Blizzard' (yes, actually under a blizzard warning for the next 24 +/- hours)so I'm hoping they come tomorrow to feed... I changed all the food and added more suet cakes. We shall see! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.