Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Decorations - Part One

It's hard to find a quiet place to sleep with all the holiday upheaval!

Norman Gnome will take us on a tour...

Starting in the breakfast nook, I have a few nativities on display.

The kitchen cupboard knobs are all festooned with cookie ornaments.  

Almost anything can become a collection!

These look good enough to eat.

My mother's Christmas / winter plate collection is also on display in the kitchen.

I have so many kitchen / food related ornaments that this year I expanded from two trees to three trees.  This one is in the kitchen. 

The other two are in the family room.

Here's a close up.

And here's my newest tree. 

I thought I hadn't decorated much this yaer.  But as it turns out there's enough to show that I'll break this up into two posts.  More to follow on Boxing Day.


  1. L♥ve the cookie ornaments Beth!

  2. Thanks for showing us around - it's always fun to see the decorations that others put up! That gray chair, though? It looks perfectly decorated to me. ;)

  3. Thank your gnome for the tour ~ the trees are adorable! It has me planning for next year already. And thank you for sharing pics of the birds all year long! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. All of your decorations look so pretty. Did you get the cookies made in time for dinner? You showed some very cute ones!

  5. These posts are ones I look forward to every year... But today, my stomach growled! Yummy! They DO look good enough to eat! Hugs!

  6. You know I LOVE trees!!! I had forgotten about yours, but now it all comes rushing back! I also like the cookie ornaments on the cabinets! How clever is that??


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