Monday, November 28, 2016

Plugging Along

Design - "Thankful Kiss" (freebie)
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 32 count white linen
Fibers - DMC & Kreinik braid - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 November 2012
Completed - 3 December 2012

As you can see, I still do not have a new finish to share.  I do well remember stitching this turkey as the silver Kreinik braid was a real challenge. 

Oh well, Padma says I'll get my stitching mojo back sooner or later.

In the meantime I'll enjoy the outdoors...

...and the raindrops sparkle in the sunlight.

Here's a California Scrub Jay... 

and a Steller's Jay.
Last winter a neighbor had two Gray Jays at her feeders. Maybe a couple of these Canadian birds will head my direction this year.

I did see two Turkey Vulture on an extremely windy morning.
Honestly it looked like they were playing - using the gusts and updrafts to show off their aerobatic skills.

Saturday my sister and I heard a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

A tiny, flittering bird- so hard to photograph.

It was working away gleaning small insects from this pine tree. If we have a hard, cold winter these birds will come and eat suet.


  1. Padma looks so contented. It is so fresh and pretty outside after a rain.

  2. I know what you mean about using the kreinik...but it looks fantastic! Did you see the Gray Jays on the Cornell webcams last week or so? I think they took a picture, so it should be there still. First time I have seen them, so that was neat! I have learned from a local birding friend that the tiny birds we cannot seem to capture on our cameras are usually kinglets at this time of the year! Ever elusive!

  3. Your turkey kiss is adorable! Kreinik gives me fits too - I usually end up ripping it out, so kudos to you for perseverance! (I think I read semi-recently on someone's blog that thread heaven will even tame Kreinik. Did I remember that when I tried stitching with it a month or so ago? Of course not.)

    Enjoyed seeing your birds, and the raindrop jewels on the trees!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.