Sunday, November 6, 2016

October - Trail Camera #2

I'm going to start of with a couple of 'my' photos. 
This studly guy has been by several times stirring up the does and running everyone off.

And one rainy morning we had a group of five gals bedded down chewing their cud.

Now for the Trail Camera Photos in the backyard.  Again a bit disappointing. We'd change the height of camera and it did not get any quail or bunnies for example.  It did not even get the Bob-cat I saw on October 12th.  So we've changed the height and position of the camera for November and will see what happens.

Studly Guy

Extreme Close up

One deer 

Four deer

Coming through

Baby following close behind

Another Close Up

On alert

Buck Rogers

Having a bite.

Mama's loving attention.

Here I come!

"What's this I see?"

Parvati ceding territory!


  1. You have such a nice looking herd of deer. I worry about Parvati out on the trail like that!

  2. Your trail camera photos are always so much fun to see!!!
    I love the deer mother and baby!!


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