Thursday, November 17, 2016

More Birds Than Stitches

When I'm upset, I don't stitch. I fret and I read.
I do hope to have this done before Thanksgiving.

On to woodpeckers. I haven't seen my female Downy Woodpecker for several days now.  I hope that it is weather that is keeping her away and not hawks.

The Hairy Woodpeckers still come by.
Both the female...

...and the male.

The male always comes to this feeder and eats hulled sunflower seeds.

The female prefers this cylinder of mixed nuts.

Here are my two Acorn Woodpeckers.
Female on the left, male on the right.

I don't see the female all that often, so this foggy photo is the best I have to share.

The male, on the other hand, likes my peanut feeders and mixed nut feeders. So lots more opportunities to photograph him. 

I saw four Flickers the other day.
Here are two - a male (highest) and female (lower).

Look at the male's bright red mustache.

And here's a young male.


  1. Love your Hoot piece; owls are my favourite and of course, love seeing your woodpeckers. And 4 flickers at once!! What a treat.

  2. I'm the same. Even though I know stitching is good for my inner peace, I completely stop when I'm stressed out. :( I haven't touched anything in awhile due to stress, but thankfully I have some vacation time coming up! I hope you feel better soon! I'm such a fan of flickers, they look so interesting!

  3. I can't stitch or knit or anything when I'm super stressed. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love the bird pics as always.

  4. I hope that whatever is stressing you will be over soon. I do stitch when I am stressed but reading is the best escape.

  5. I'm the opposite--I stitch when I'm stressed and can't read! I hope things calm down for you, Beth :)

  6. Know just what you mean - learned ages ago that stitching (quilting, sewing anything, really) when upset or really stressed was a huge mistake - far more soothing to disappear into a good book. I hope you begin to feel calmer and more soothed soon.

  7. Beth, I hope you feel less stressed soon but glad you are able to lose yourself in something when you are stressed. The woodpeckers and flickers are a beautiful sight to behold (actually, with all of your posts I always say thanks to you in my head as you find beauty everywhere).

  8. You know I am with you on this...Just forcing myself to catch up on reading blogs today. I have stitched a few smalls, but lots of frogging too! I may try some of that dark fabric for a chalk-type design... Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.