Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Wednesday Walk

My heart hurts this morning. Are you in need of a post-election anxiety-free walk?

This appeared a few months ago along the edge of the road about a mile from my house! It's a great place to sit and admire several 'feral' apple trees.

I wonder just how many different kinds of apples there are in the surrounding fields. 

I'm sure the deer in the area are thrilled.

There are probably a dozen different varieties.

Some of the trees have a heavy crop. 

Others are all about autumn color.

There are also a couple of pear trees.
Here's one.

Here's another one.

One more tree for good measure - look at all the fruit!

Here's a close up.

The deep forest is attractive too this time of year.

I enjoy the airiness of ferns.

Hope you enjoyed today's walk.


  1. I needed this lovely walk and I'm not even American! What a sad day, but a lovely walk to clear the head.

  2. Thanks for this. My heart hurts too.

  3. It's nice to be reminded that there is still beauty in the world.

  4. Thanks for sharing your peaceful walk. Just what we need.

  5. Yeah, me too :( It is nice to see these fruits at this late date!

  6. Well this is something isn't it? I just keep taking deep breaths and telling myself it's gonna be alright. It is, isn't it?

  7. Thank you for the walk, I don't think it helped but...

  8. The walk was nice. Thank you. The reality of what just happened in our beloved country...a disgrace.

  9. Beauty, caring and kindness - thanks, I needed something nice too. I'm thinking a four year Canadian vacation sounds pretty good come January.

  10. The deer in our neck of the woods would think it was Thanksgiving with all those apples

  11. I feel your pain. Thanks for the calming walk through the orchards. I needed it.

  12. ALL your walks are wonderful and calming but I like the Autumn walks most.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.