Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday Walk Around the House

Work on the deer fence has been on-going for the past several weeks.

On the last day of September a truck came to spread and cover the grass seed.

Light color is the seed.

Spraying to cover the seed. 

So here's where we now stand.

The fence and the 5 feet of mesh are complete.

The gates have been installed.

Next three strands of wire will be strung above the top board.
We are almost done!

I do have a few plants that are performing well.

Soon I'll need to move all the agaves under the eaves.  They do not like winter rains.

The Mudroom Flowerbed is the first stop for the Anna's Hummingbirds in the morning.  There is still lots of nectar producing plants available to them. 

This is a Front Porch plant and tender - it will need to be over-wintered.

The begonias are doing well.

I've purchased a few violas for fall / winter interest.

Viola and fuchsia.

Passion Flower.

Soon it will be time for fall chores - tossing out annuals and winterizing the perennials.  But as there is no frost in sight, I'm going to enjoy everything for a couple of more weeks. 


  1. A LOT of work going on at your home! Love the passion flower!

  2. Your flowers are looking good. Your deer fence looks interesting.

  3. Wow! Lots of upkeep! Your garden is so lovely! Thank you for posting these pics ! I thoroughly enjoy your blog and especially love your bird pics.

    San Pedro, CA

  4. Good morning! I love your pictures! I think I'll start my own feather collection. I have been collecting them, but I've been giving them to the cats! Maybe though I'll start keeping them for myself. Would you be willing to share what plants/flowers are in the Mudroom flower bed? I'd like to plant some flowers that hummingbirds would enjoy. Thanks! Julie

  5. Lots of changes to your landscape there! Sure hope it keeps the deer away! Thanks for sharing!


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