Monday, October 3, 2016

October's Blog Header

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles October 2016 Blog Header.

Row #1: Great Horned Owl; The Cross Eyed Cricket, "Playing with Jax #328" - "Little Boo"; Bent Creek, "The Owl next Door"; The Trilogy, "Happy Whoo Whoo Day".

Row #2: The Prairie Schooler, "Whoo Whoo" (freebie card); Pine Mountain Designs, "Special Delivery - October 2014" (kit); Great Horned Owl.

It was pretty exciting to see an owl in a nearby tree.

Far more often this time of year, this is what I see.
Can you count all the Cedar Waxwings?

They are very social birds - so much so that the males do not scout out and defend individual territories.

In late September / early October I have a mix of mature and juvenile birds.

Look at the rumpled guy on the right.

I wish they'd come in a bit closer.

Here they are in flight.

I think there must be well over 50 birds.


  1. I really like the bottom photo of the owl in your header. You can tell your photographer father that!! :D

  2. Another great header, I love the way you've combined the real owls with the stitched ones

  3. Your headers are always so interesting! Owls are fun!
    I love the huge "flock" of birds!! I'm wondering if it's noisy when they all arrive?!

  4. What a great header! I've only seen an owl twice in my life. I cannot believe how many cedar waxwings you have Beth. They are just so beautiful.


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