Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween - Another Owl

Chart - "Alphabet Owls"
Designer - JBW Designs
Fabric - 32 count cream linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, & Crescent Colors - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 26 October 2016
Completed - 29 October 2016

Amazing design skill set to create an alphabet in the shape of an owl!

And you will have to take my word for it, there is a Great Horned Owl perched in the tree.  Last week I was outside at dawn and twice watched a Great Horned Owl as it left it's nocturnal roost and headed off at around 7:00am. I am still figuring out how to take better low light / no light photos with my camera.

Here are some Daylight Birds.

Oregon Junco

Song Sparrow

American Robin

Steller's Jays

This bird has a new name - it is now to be called a California Scrub Jay.

On Friday morning a group of around eight Bushtits came to backyard berm.  The flock also included a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  No photo of the flitting Kinglet, but I was able to snag one photo of a Bushtit. 


  1. Whenever I see a sampler piece, I always read each letter off... don't know why...So I did it again! Cute piece! They are renaming the Yellow-rumped Warblers too... tho I forget which way it's going... Something about the 'Myrtle' variation. I shall check on it again. I have not seen sparrows around my house yet, but there has been a lot of activity in the back, plus we have been having warm weather still! Love the variety of birds you get to see! Hugs!

  2. oooo love that wol :) and have you got a setting on your camera that does night shots ?? if not you need to set it to a high resolution more pixels more light absorbtion to take a better night picture and also slow shutter speed too to allow as much light in as possible ... love mouse xxxxx

  3. That is a very cute owl, Beth--I always admire the clever way that JBW does these designs :)

    Happy Halloween to you and your many beautiful birds--hope they get some special seeds in their feeders!

  4. Your alphabet owl is so cute (and very tricky-clever)!

    Fantastic that you're seeing the great horned owl again. I know we have owls of some sort nearby - have seen evidence, but never the actual creature.

  5. What a lovely array of birds for us to see. Now the owl, I am so envious that you saw one. I hear them but have never been lucky enough to actually see one. Your JBW design is wonderful. The JBW owl I did had little owls, pumpkins, etc. worked into the design. I agree, I have no idea how they do it.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.