Friday, October 21, 2016

A Halloween Stitch From the Past

Design - "Hiss"
Chart - "Eek Boo Hiss"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 30 count Chestnut linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 28 October 2011 
Completed - 31 October 2011

I'm not managing to stitch much this month, so here is yet another trip back in time to the Cross Stitch Archives.  I do like this scrawny black cat and his purple house.

Another gray morning.

The Steller's Jays were out in force.

I'm hearing and seeing Black-capped Chickadees.  On Wednesday I caught a glimpse of Townsend's Warbler hanging out with the chickadees.  Of course, I did not have my camera!

If there are two Oregon Juncos, then there is probably a scuffle!

The House Finches though flock to the feeders in harmony.
This is a female.

Here's a male.

And here they are hanging out with American Goldfinches. 

I've said it before, I'll say it again - Everyone eats blackberries.
These two quail were munching on the leaves. 

I counted over 60 quail in the backyard this morning!


  1. Loved the rose hip photo below and the bird stitch in your last post is very bonnie.

  2. Hiss is such a cute stitch! That is an amazing number of quails!

  3. What a great finish, thanks for sharing an older project. Lovely bird photos as always. Wow 60 quail!?!

  4. What lovely birds, and I adore your blast from the past stitching

  5. That's a lot of quail! That cat looks like one we had when I was a kid. Cute stitch!


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