Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday Walk

The day began cold and gray. It was a sleepy kind of morning and I got off to a late start.

Even on a gray morning there is an amazing array of colors and textures.

And fog can create water droplets.

So let's take an afternoon walk - the trees have begun to turn colors.

The Douglas Fir trees have mature (and sappy) cones.

The Hazel brush is starting to turn yellow...

...and is the earliest plant I know to get ready for spring.
Look at all the catkins!

There is lots of color down by the Bog Creek.
The Ocean Spray has started to change colors.

The fruit has all been consumed, now the leaves of our native Dogwood put on a show.  

The Vine Maple turns yellow, brown, red, and orange. 

Osier Dogwood turns red.

More fall color.

This Madrone is nice and green and healthy.

A good crop of blackberries.

I do fine acorns on the ground, but when I look up into the Oak trees all I see are leaves and Oak Galls.

Vine Maple


The reward for a few clouds...a lovely sunset!


  1. So many gorgeous pictures in today's post Beth. Not just the last one!

  2. It is such a beautiful array of colors when fall begins...


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