Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Wrap Up

I'm working on the male Western Tanager.
I think next week I'll have a finish to share.

Oh but we've been enjoying our sunny September days.

On Saturday I heard the mechanical chatter of a Belted Kingfisher.

A male flew in quite close...

...and was kind enough to stay for a while!

That's a bird with a beak that means business!

Females have a belt of brown on their breast, while males do not. 

They both have a rather wild Mohawk hair-do.

I had a Belted Kingfisher come by last year about this time.

My sister and I thought we heard two birds Tuesday evening, so maybe I'll get to see them again.


  1. Wonderful stitching progress, best of luck with getting that finish! Wow look at those blue skies, gorgeous.

  2. I just love September! I like your new cat stitch as well (and your birds from Heartstring Samplery).

  3. Ha ha! Your kitty cracks me up! ;)

  4. What a beautiful bird! Your kitty looks so content in the sun.

  5. Great looking kingfisher - and that is one blissed out cat!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. Your design is so pretty!! I loved seeing the photos of the Kingfisher.

  7. Think how nice it is to just sit and soak up the sun like your kitty! Gee... Great shots of the Belted Kingfisher... maybe you will soon see the female too! Hugs!


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