Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday Framed Finish

Design - "American Goldfinch"
Chart - "The Bird Collection - Part I"
Designer - Heartstring Samplery
Fabric - 30 count Wren Picture This Plus linen
Started - 13 April 2016
Completed - 16 April 2016
Framed - September 2016

I took in just two stitches this year for framing.  Framing is expensive and the pieces have to really 'sing' to me.  I do hope to have all of Beth Twist's birds framed as I finish them. The Mourning Dove and Western Tanager are now on the list to get framed in 2017.

So let's take a closer look at the live models for this framed finish.

It's hard for me to believe that back in June the male American Goldfinches were all banana yellow (as was the Lesser Goldfinch on the right).

Quite the handsome fellow.

Now this is what I see!

After courtship and successfully raising families, most of the birds are females and juveniles.

All are dun colored now.

They are swarming by feeders - I think I have over 35 birds.

They still are cheerful birds and fun to watch.


  1. Fabulous framing on American Goldfinch Beth!

  2. *All* your goldfinches are lovely - stitched and feathered!

  3. Wonderful goldfinches ,both real and stitched!

  4. You are going to be able to see Goldfinches all year round, with your lovely framed piece! I actually had one visit my feeder this week, in between rain storms! So much smaller than the one solitary House Finch coming by! Hugs!

  5. What a wonderful frame you selected for your birds! As always, I enjoyed seeing your birding photos.

  6. Love your nod in stitches to the American Goldfinch; I adore them when they are that lovely yellow and it took me a while to work out that they change their colour so much by the season.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.