Thursday, August 11, 2016

Taking Flight

I thought I'd post an update on this stitch. I started it last September and have worked on it in fits and starts.  I started filling in the cat in late June / early September. I think this will turn out to be a winter evening stitch as it will be easy to do while watching television.

The last Violet-green Swallows took their own sweet time to fledge.

On Sunday evening this young bird almost came out... 

Two-thirds of the way out...

But no, just yelling "Feed Me!"

"I'm hungry!"

Feeding on the fly.

Look, the baby bird is totally outside the house in its enthusiam to eat.

The parent bird is tired...

...and taking a minute to rest.

Monday I did not see any bird active at this house and decided the birds had fledged.  Then in the evening...

I watched two birds enter the house and then immediately leave, but this bird spent the late evening begging to be fed.

And it worked!

What a BIG mouth you have baby bird!
He was in the house Tuesday morning, but then the house was quiet again.  I think he has fledged, but is still encouraging his parents to feed him.


  1. That's interesting! Who knew a baby bird could be so tricksy?! Love the stitch too. But tons of fill in!

  2. I do love Mosey n Me designs, they are so distinctive.

  3. I love the bird story. They are always so interesting to watch. Your cat cross-stitch is cute. I hope you keep working on it.

  4. What fun watching those birds preparing to leave the nest! You got such great photos, Beth!

    Good luck with all that fill-in. I'm working on a giant cat now, too, and it is easy Olympics watching stitching :)

  5. So happy to be home from Chicago and back to enjoying your wonderful bird photos!

  6. Those are great action shots of the birdie NOT fledging! Ha! I really like that cat piece, and look forward to progress pics! Hugs!

  7. Oh my; some children just don't want to leave home. He knows he has it the best. What wonderful photos!


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