Monday, August 22, 2016

Summer Birds

Design - "Summer Bird" (Wee One)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 August 2013
Completed - 13 August 2013

I figured that "Summer Bird" was an appropriate, if not almost perfect stitch for August.

Here are some of my local Summer Birds.

My flock of Band-tailed Pigeons has diminished to just 10-15.  That's just fine by me.  The smaller group does not wreck havoc with my feeders.   

The number of Black-headed Grosbeaks has also declined from a high of 18-24 birds, to now just 6 or so.  Those six are usually females / juvenile birds.  It is rare that I see a mature male.

The opposite is true of the American Goldfinches.
I am now seeing 20-30 birds in the morning.

This Goldfinch appears to be a bit puzzled by the Rufous Hummingbird scratching an itch!

My male Lesser Goldfinch is molting and looks a bit tatty.

For a true pretty yellow bird the last 1/3 of August I have to rely on my female Western Tanager. 

On one of our ultra-hot days, I had quite the gathering at a bird bath - two Flickers and two Steller's Jays.

The California Quail number peak at this time of year. I have a family with 12 tiny babies, a family with 4 babies, a family with 12 large kids, and a family of 48 or so!  That's a lot of quail!

No wonder the bunnies begin to feel a bit crowded!


  1. That is a LOT of Quail!! My daughter just sent me a beautiful shot of an American Goldfinch male, in bright summer plumage... saying there was a bunch of them wherever she spotted them! I have that set of long-legged 'birds' to stitch... perhaps I will get around to them soon! Hugs!

  2. Oh, I need to stitch that cutie, too--have done quite a few of the long-legged series, but not that one yet :)


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