Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Still Feeling Patriotic

Design - "Free" (Double Up)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 28 count Natural Cashel linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - July 2016
Completed - 31 July 2016

A good week to watch woodpeckers, though not the best week for photographs.

Here's a Downy Woodpecker.

A Downy and a Flicker.  You can see that the Downy is a small bird.

A small bird with a short beak.

And here's one of the young male Hairy Woodpeckers.

Bigger bird, bigger and longer beak.

I continue to see a young Red-breasted Sapsucker.

Its head is not the brilliant red of a mature adult bird.

One year I was able to watch a couple of Sapsucker nests.
That was pretty special.

The Acorn Woodpeckers come to the feeders only fleetingly.

Most of my observations are from afar...

...as when they work at their granary tree.

Northern Red-shafted Flickers are everywhere.

Including at the feeders.

The feet and the tail co-support the weight of the bird's body.

I am still seeing Flicker families.

There is nothing as raucous as a fledged Flicker demanding to be fed!

I watched a Pileated Woodpecker flying overhead several times and heard and saw two birds on one occasion.

But only once did a bird spot by for a moment.


  1. Lovely bird photos as always. Your August header is adorable.

  2. Love the finish! So cute! Love woodpeckers. They are my third favorite bird? lol!

  3. I guess with having the cats around, you don't worry about squirrels eating the woodpecker suet... That's nice! Still battling them out here! Love all the different ones you get to see, even from afar. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great finish. Your pictures are wonderful as always.


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