Friday, August 19, 2016

Next Up

Having finished the first three birds, I happily kitted up the fourth - the Western Tanagers on the upper left of the chart.  I cannot wait to begin!

She says, "Get a move on!"

Serendipitously, a female Western Tanager came by Thursday morning!

The morning sun hits the tallest of the trees about 6:30am now.
The mornings are still and cool. The cats and I hang out on the back porch and enjoy the start of the day.

Parvati knows that it is especially important to stay hydrated on hot days.

Here's how my American Goldfinches were arrayed on June 23rd.

By mid-August most of them have ditched their "Courting Colors" and are dressed in a much more muted pallet. 

Here a father watches some excited fledglings.

Parent - Mom - on the left, baby on the right.

Please, please, please feed me!

Pretty please!

Muted colors in bird and plant both.

Even the male Lesser Goldfinch is looking rather tatty.
It is August after all.


  1. Having fun seeing all those Goldfinches...but how excellent that you would be visited by a Western Tanager just when you are about to stitch one!! Terrific!

  2. Your photos are just amazing. I cannot wait to see those bird projects come to life.

  3. I love the next project on your list, Beth! And it's funny, but your Goldfinches look completely different than ours. Ours are still bright, bright yellow--perhaps because it has been so hot here?

  4. A wonderful day to splash in the bird bath!Enjoy your new project.


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