Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Mourning Doves

Design - "Mourning Dove"
Chart - "The Bird Collection - Part I"
Designer - Heartstring Samplery
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Wren linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 31 May 2016
Completed - 15 August 2015

It took me a while, but I got back on track with Maggee's encouragment and finished this up. I do like the composition of this design with the pair of birds, the blue/gray pots and the out-sized flower.

I've been saving up photos to share when I'd finished this piece.

I figured I'd celebrate the Mourning Dove.

In early summer I do not see many doves,

but now I often have a group of four birds. 

They are ground-feeders like the quail, and so I do scatter seed on the ground.  

I think Beth Twist perfectly captured all the details in her design including the short brown line on the neck...  

...and the darker dots on the wings.

The shape of the beak and the dark brown eyes...

Well done Beth Twist!  


  1. Very nice piece Beth. I have always liked mourning doves. I remember waking up as a girl in the summer to their forlorn calls.

  2. I love our mourning doves, so this is a special post. Beautiful finish!

  3. The dove piece is just beautiful. The colors are so soft and pretty.

  4. Your photos are lovely, as always!
    I really LOVE your stitching! That is a wonderful series that Beth is designing!
    I'm sure you will stitch all of them and I will be checking back to see your progress!

  5. Yay--you finished it!! And it looks so great!! We have mourning doves in the spring and early summer, but not seeing as many now...I do not spread seed on the ground for them, the other birds do that!! Messy, piggy eaters sometimes! Hugs!

  6. Cor-oooo, oooo, oooo...

    Your doves are lovely - both the stitched and the feathered ones.

  7. Stunning finish. Love the photos of your local wildlife as always.

  8. The mourning doves stitching is so lovely, Beth--soft and sweet, just like the birds, themselves :) I love listening to their cooing in the mornings...


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.