Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Humming Along

Design - "August Bee" - Monthly Animal Series
Designer - Nikyscreations
Fabric -30 count R & R Espresso linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 August 2016
Completed -7 August 2016

As you can see with the last two posts, I had a pretty productive stitching sessions the past few days.  I've been 'humming along' as it were.I chose to stitch this on 30 count R & R Espresso linen and the colors just glow.  I added stems to the ground for the flowers, and I changed the beeskep entrance shortening it a bit.  I really like this stitch - I think it is charming.

I only managed photos of three kinds of woodpeckers this week.  My sister assures me that the two Acorn Woodpeckers are in the area, and that she heard two Pileated Woodpeckers conversing down by her Dahlias Garden.

So who did I 'capture' this week?
I started off with a small male Downy Woodpecker.

This photo is especially for Maggee of Stitching Devotee fame.  She's started bird-watching and I thought that she'd enjoy seeing the Downy Woodpecker on the left waiting for the larger Hairy Woodpecker to leave the cylinder feeder.

He's a pretty sweet little guy.

I hadn't seen a Downy at my back feeders before.

Here he is at the front of the house, where I've been more likely to see him.

Here's a young male Hairy Woodpecker.

A much larger bird, with a much larger beak.

"Hey!  What are you doing?!"  We don't need you chipping away on the cross-arm that holds up my Big Birdfeeder!

Back to the cylinder and food. 

I have had Flickers around.
Here are two shots of the the same bird.

Differences in light can make it seem like a different bird.


  1. Love your August stitch! I love anything with bee skeps and love the changes you made, too.
    Your bird pics always amaze me. I wish I had as many varieties as you do - we have finches, cardinals, blue jays, lots of sparrows, and only the occasional woodpecker - although I hear them more often than I see them.

  2. The colors in this stitched piece are so pretty.

  3. What a fun bee / beehive piece!

    (oh, hello woodpeckers!)

  4. Beth, I love the beeskep and the bees! We have the Downy and Hairy woodpeckers and right now we have the babies so it's been fun to watch them. What beautiful pictures of the flicker.

  5. That bee finish is adorable, Beth--I am not usually keen on bee pieces, but I have to admit, I really do like this one! Great fabric choice, too :)

  6. Love the bee skep. I don't think I've seen that one before. You enabler, you!

  7. I did that with my shoes once. I didn't realise until the afternoon when I was trying on clothes at K-Mart. One was black and one was navy. I found it amazing no one at work had noticed that morning (I'm sure they would have commented). But then again, neither did I. :)

  8. Yup--got it! Though we don't get Hairy Woodpeckers much around here, so it is just wishful thinking! How funny that he's pecking away at the feeder! One I miss, that I only see in the wild at this time of the year, is the Red-Bellied Woodpecker. But it has been too dang hot to get out! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.