Monday, August 29, 2016

A Whale of a Day

Design - "August" - Joyful Journal
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 30 count WDW Confederate Gray
Fibers - GAST & WDW & CC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 August 2016
Completed - 23 August 2016

Loving the whale!  I saw this on Friendship Crossing's Facebook page and instantly wanted it!  A special thanks to Ann at Friendship Crossing for getting the chart and the threads to me so quickly.

I 'old' camera died a couple of weeks ago. The lens would no longer extend or retract.  I've been using a lesser camera while deciding what to do next.

This photo was taken with my 'lesser' camera.
Certainly not a bad photo.

But by new camera has a rather amazing zoom.
Look at the clarity of the feathers on this male Anna's Hummingbird.  

Here's a close up of a male Anna's.

Close up of an American Goldfinch.

Male California Quail.

Steller's Jay.

Song Sparrow.

I think it does a nice job. And I bought a three year extended warrenty!


  1. I feel like you just bought a new camera! How times flies! It's amazing how the technology just gets better and better. Lovely pics!

  2. Brilliant choice for your camera, wonderful photo's

  3. I think your 'lesser' camera takes fabulous pictures. What type of camera is it?

  4. I do love that whale stitch! There's even a small light house in the design. I wish you many wonderful hours with the new camera. I was amazed to see the feathers so clearly.

  5. Your bird pictures are amazing - I always enjoy looking at them. You obviously know how to do tricky stuff with whatever camera you have in your hand and I'm in awe of your skill. We had a hummingbird at the lobelia in the back corner of the yard last week so I grabbed the camera. Out of a couple dozen pictures, I think you can actually figure out it's a hummingbird in two. :)

    The whale piece is so cute! And I really like the lighthouse peeking out of the wave border.

  6. I love that whale stitch. What a fun design!

  7. After a long...stressful spring and summer, I'm trying to catch up with blogs :) Back to the lovely photo journey of your feathered friends. Relaxing and lovely! I've had a few Whale of Days lately...what a cute design!

  8. I also thought you bought that camera recently... but with that warranty, you should get it fixed. There is definitely a difference in what the old camera could do and what the new, albeit broken right now, camera can! Hope it is fixed soon! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.