Thursday, July 28, 2016

Waving and Flying

Design - "Long May She Wave" (kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - Relic Picture This Plus Cashel linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 June 2012
Completed - 2 July 2012

AS I did not have anything new to show today, I went back to the archives to feature this Lizzie Kate kit.

Flags are waving and birds are flying. 

This past week, the Violet-green Swallows have spot most mornings encouraging their young to leave the nest. 

Lots and lots of fly-bys.

There are still two active nests and the parents continue to feed the bablies.

Here's an adult.

I don't understand why anyone perched here as this was the Tree Swallow's house and no one else has used it.

Here's one of the reluctant babies.

"You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!"

I have a couple of Barn Swallows that swoop around the backyard most days.

I've not posted many pictures, because the birds rarely sit or perch.

Over the weekend a group of Purple Martins started to hang out.
It's a thrill for me to see them, as they like to live and nest near water, I do not have them in the area most years.
There are at least 7 birds - the two on the right are Flickers.

I figure it is a family group.

The bird on on the left is an adult male.

Here's a youngster.

I think this is an adult female.

They are insectivores - the bird on the left has a juicy snack.

The fledglings are still begging...

...with wide open mouths.

The adult male is on the top right.

A youngster.

Adult male.

Youngster - I think there are at least four fledglings.



  1. Nice group of pictures... It was good to see the differences between the swallows... I have heard that people have purple martins around here, but I do not believe I have seen any myself. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sweet LK finish, even if it is from the archives! Great bird pics!

  3. I love your Liberty finish even if it has been around for awhile. What a joy to have the Purple Martins.


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