Saturday, July 30, 2016

Saturday Farmers' Market

Last Saturday my sister and I stopped by the Lane County Farmers' Market.

For many different reasons, we've not been more than a couple of times this year.

By late July the market was in full swing with summer produce. peppers...

...the first corn...

...and tomatoes.

As well as work-horses like onions.

I fall for the flowers.

Melons appeared too.

This is my favorite bakery at the market.
I always get a pain au chocolate.

A stunning tiger lily for sale.

Wonderful colors - plums and blackberries.

French style beans.

Zinnias and dahlias oh my!


Watermelons and cantaloupes.  

An especially stunning lily.

Lots of greens...

...and peaches...

...and still more flowers.

Love this summer assortment pack!

Here's what came home - bright summer sunflowers!


  1. What a wonderful market! It almost makes me think I need to drive down to Oregon!!!

  2. Farmers markets are great places to get food and find pictures as well!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. What a stellar market! So many goodies, I wouldn't be able to carry it all home!


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