Friday, May 20, 2016


Design - "Hummingbird"
Chart - "Birdsong I"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 May 2016
Completed - 17 May 2016

I finished my little Prairie Schooler hummingbird.
And to celebrate I managed to take a photo or two.

Here's a male Anna's. As I'd hoped now that some of the salvias are in bloom, I'm seeing more hummingbird action.

I was able to catch a male Anna's on a cloudy day.

His head and throat feathers were dull as no sunshine.

But he is an pretty bird nonetheless.

This sweet little female Rufous Hummingbird was kind enough to pose for me.

She looks pretty stern and business-like.

It's good to see you.  Stop by again soon. 


  1. Such pretty hummers! Our hummingbirds have finally arrived as well; this past weekend I sat on my parents' back porch watching a gorgeous ruby-throated hummingbird zip between a perch in one of their trees, and their backyard hummingbird feeder. His red feathers flashed in the light. My mom says she has seen a female as well.

  2. Your stitched hummingbird is almost as cute as the real ones!

  3. I just love hummingbirds. My husband is the real caretaker of them in our yard, always making sure that they have enough food. You took some great photos of yours. Your blog header photo is wonderful.

  4. lovely to see the humming birds .. well done on your finish too ... have peeped at your other walks and do like those cedarwings too :) love mouse xxxx

  5. Oh, that is such a cute hummingbird PS finish, Beth--need to stitch that one for my mom :) We had our first hummer looking for food today--time to get that feeder up!

  6. Love that hummingbird stitch! A perfect accompaniment to your lovely hummer pics!

  7. Great shots! Reminds me I have to clean my feeder! It's been raining and dreary for about a week, but it is supposed to clear up rest of the week and maybe for the holiday weekend. Time to attract hummers! I am also going to dig out my Birdsong II chart and see what I could possibly stitch on it, as opposed to the entire chart. I will do the entire chart, but a small appeals to me right now! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.