Thursday, May 5, 2016

Feeder Action

This Prairie Schooler chart has so many wonderful designs.  I am going to start off stitching the hummingbird (the small design on right side of the large photo).

There's been lots of bird song at my feeders.

In the past week I've gone from two American Goldfinches to over 25 birds.

Here's a mix of Evening Grosbeaks, Goldfinches, and Pine Siskins.

All the backyard feeders are busy with birds waiting for their turn.

For the longest time I had only four Evening Grosbeaks.

I was worried they would not flock to the feeders, but yesterday I had 12 males and 2 females, so no complaints!

Yesterday evening I had a Hairy Woodpecker, a Black-headed Grosbeak, and lots of American Goldfinches.  May is a great birding month!


  1. Wouldn't it be awesome to finish that sweet, little pattern in the way shown on the pattern also?! :D

  2. Lovely pattern. You've got so many feathered visitors. They must be pretty loud :) I would love to have such a company!

  3. Fantastic! Love seeing all the lovely birds!

  4. Lovely birds! You have a whole village of feeders! I know the birds think they are in heaven when they spot your group of feeders! How much fun for them!
    You know I love Prairie Schooler, so I will be interested to see your finish!

  5. So many pretty birds on the feeder. That looks like a great chart!

  6. I have Birdsong II in my stash, languishing... I should pull it out! May IS one really good month for us out here! The weather is or has been keeping the migrating birds here longer than usual. And they apparently arrived earlier. The Rose Breasted Grosbeak I had at my feeder was the first in VAB! Or so I'm told! But I won't get out again til Tuesday so... hoping they stayed! Loved seeing all the birds! Is the Black Headed Grosbeak unusual for your area? Thanks for sharing as always!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.