Monday, May 2, 2016

Better Late Than Never

Not all that much to show on my Black-headed Grosbeak.
I've been working outside and reading rather than stitching.

While this bird looks somewhat like a Black-headed Grosbeak, it is shorter and fatter with a white breast and red eyes.  It's a Spotted Towhee.

The bird decided that today was Bath Day. 

He looked rather wildly rumpled.

That red eye!

See, rumpled.

I think he got up too early and was not happy about it.


  1. Ahhhhh....but that bath was refreshing!

  2. Do you know, this bird actually makes me think this is how I have been feeling for quite a while now?!

  3. Looks like that bird had a terrific bath!

  4. Isn't he a handsome fellow! And nice and clean and refreshed!

  5. Just slightly different than Eastern Towhees out here... nice series of pictures!


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